You shouldn't have to struggle with your instrument to get what you need from it, and you shouldn't worry about it being up to snuff for gigging or recording. Here at Fearless, we want to make your your instrument sound, feel, and function the way you want. My role is to help you get your instruments and tones sorted out so you can spend your time playing, writing, and creating freely. I'll custom-wire harnesses, install top-of-the-line pickups, mill frets, and set up your instrument to sound right for what you play.
Fearless Customization and Repairs: Our specialty is making your instrument sound and perform the way you want. We'll listen to you talk about what you want, and together we'll determing how best to achieve the tone and feel you're after. We'll help you choose just the right pickup and discuss options for capacitors, pots, wire, jacks, switches, preamps.

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