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Potter's Piano Service The Randy Potter School of Piano Technology is a complete correspondence, home-study school teaching piano tuning, repairing, regulating, voicing, apprentice training, business practices and dealer and manufacturer relations. Students learn not only to service pianos, but customer relations and how to start and operate a piano service business, including dealing with dealers and manufacturers using modern, up-to-date business practices. We are the largest school teaching piano technology in the world, and have students throughout the U.S. and Canada, and in over 80 countries throughout the world.
Students learn much more than how to service pianos. They are prepared with everything they need to start and operate their own lucrative piano service business! We understand that our students have a life - a job, a family, and other obligations that don't allow them to travel far or commit to a traditional school roster.
The Randy Potter School of Piano Technology offers the most complete home study course ever published. Students receive everything they need to become skilled piano technicians without ever leaving the house! 2. Six Two-Hour Technical Training DVDs, taught by Registered Piano Technicians George Defebaugh, Jim Coleman, Sr., and Randy Potter.
All course packages include the Randy Potter School Training Manual, Lessons and Examinations, Six 2-hour Training DVDs, Eleven (11) Auxiliary Texts including the Randy Potter School Apprentice Training Manual, the "G" Piano Works Repair Labor Guide, The Mentoring Book and the Piano Technicians Guild Piano Action Handbook plus seven more texts.
The school is housed in a 2,000 square foot facility in Bend, Oregon, which includes course production and storage facilities, DVD filming and production studio and an 800+ square foot rebuilding and regulating shop. Student transcripts, which are kept for 25 years, are maintained in a fire-proof vault.
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