In our own Brasstown workshops we manufacture all Susato (Our Registered Trade Mark!) Pennywhistles, Tabor-Pipes, Txistu, Pentatonic and Wide-Bore Recorders, Cornamuses, Crumhorns, Kelhorns, Rauschpfeiffs, Octagons (wooden Gemshorns), Reeds and Ocarinas.
This web site has full shopping cart and secure check-out capabilites. We welcome your internet orders! Please take care during the checkout process to enter a correct email address and phone number so that we can follow up with your order if needed. Orders via e-mail and regular mail are accepted as well.
All Kelhorns have two keys to extend the tonal range upwards to an octave and a fourth. Kelhorns (Kelischek Horns) are Capped Double-Reed Instruments very similar to Crumhorns and Cornamusen of the Renaissance but with a significantly shorter overall length due to a convoluted, snake-like internal bore.
A Rauschpfeiff is a fairly loud and rich sounding, capped double-reed instrument of the Renaissance with a tapered, conical bore. Its sound is penetratingly straightforward and therefore very useful and welcome to sound a melody in parades, dance bands of any sort, and in combination with a variety of other wind and string instruments.
Susato Reeds are wonderfully responsive. They require no wetting, so they are ready to play when you are. The sound is wonderfully "buzzy" and flexible. Our reeds are made of a very special, long lasting resin. With proper care a Susato Reed can be played for many years. We use Susato Reeds in all our Crumhorns, Cornamuses, Kelhorns, Kortholts and Rauschpfeiffe.
Reviews (5)
Michael Sewing
May 24, 2020
Family owned and operated company in a very much secluded area. You would not expect to find this company here. I sold this company a unit to aid to their already sufficticated production methods. With the service we at, AAC, provide, I more or less became a welcomed friend to the family. If anyone needs advice on musical instruments call George Kelisheck.
Ken Edmonds
Feb 24, 2018
B. Hos
Feb 04, 2018
Tremendous customer service. The attention to detail is amazing. After placing a moderate sized order they shipped some extras (of non-trivial value) with my order. This is certainly a shop that I would highly recommend if they have the products you need. I am impressed in every way I can be with an online niche shop.
Jan 30, 2018
Chris Merritt
Nov 05, 2015